Robson Green played the caretaker in the last series of waterloo road. Waterloo Road is a programme about a high school in a fairly rough run down area. There are a lot of problems at the school which always ends in the police being there or government trying to close down the school. Robson plays the caretaker at the school thought out the series. This would determine Robson into working class as he is working in an industrial maintenance job. Here is a good clip showing Robson cleaning spraypaint of the walls in the school. At the start of this clip we see him scrubbing the spraypaint off the walls. This tells us that his job isint very high up in the industry and he is working class. Also Robson is wearing a shirt which a caretaker would'nt normally wear, they would normally be in overalls or clothes that could get ruined. As we hear Robson speaking in the clip we discover that infact he talks fairly posh and not slangy, this could link with why he dresses smartly for the job he is doing. So overall we could say that he has middle/upper title but a working class status because of the job and the little wage he would be earning.
Class and Status - Poor - Joseph Gilgun (Rudy) - Misfits
Joesph Gilgun plays Rudy in the TV drama 'Misfits'. Misfits is about a group of young adults who are serving community service and the local communal centre. The young adults are aged around 18 to 25. They all have some sort of special power. We dont really know much about all the chacters backgrounds so it is had to find a partically poor character. We get the impression that Rudy is poor because in the latest episode which i cant find clips for we see Rudy struggle to find places to live and has to barge his way into one of the other boys in the comuntity centres flat. Also we never see Rudy get in contact with any friends of family which shows us that noone is there to supposrt him and he is living quite individually. Rudy is serving community service which is usally because you have done something wrong or commited a crime. This could be down to him being unhappy and poor wanting to commit a crime. We dont see Rudy with a job or any source of money coming in. The clothes he wears arent very expensive looking and look a bit tatty and old. Rudy has lots of tattoos all on his body which is usally sterotype as thugist or not very well presentable. All these reason give me the impression that Rudy is quite a poor character.

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