In this image we get Freddie Ljungberg modelling a pair of black Calvin Klein boxer shorts. The reason why Calvin Klein have picked Freddie to model there underwear is because he comes across as being a very musclely good looking man. Younger males will see this image and want to buy these boxers to make themselfs look like Freddie Ljungberg. This image will appeal to young men, gay men and also women will want there partners/boyfriends to were Calvin Klein underwear to look like Freddie but actually this is just a fantasy. Freddie is holding onto a bar above his head which is making himself flex up his bicep muscle. His hand is going down his boxer shorts and his hand is in a tensed fist position which is showing his arm muscles, he is also sweaty which may show that he has just had sex.

In this image we have Eva Mendes modelling for Calvin Klein women’s wear. Calvin Klein has obviously picked Eva to advertise this brand because she has a cracking figure and a nature photo genic talent. In this Image Eva is looking all hot and sweaty which could indict that she has just had sex which for some people which seem that her outfit is very sexy, this will persuaded them to buy Calvin Klein products. Men will want their partners/girlfriends to wear these products and also women will buy this product to look like Eva Mendes but actually this is another fantasy. Also Eva Mendes is a famous American actress which people will idol to be and dress like her.
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